Amazon Prints offers a promo code ‘CELEBRATE20’ on any printing cards for celebrating the Mother’s Day 2017. Customers will get an extra 20% off any cards order by using promo code ‘CELEBRATE20’ at final checkout. Amazon Prints cards are designed for any occasion with an even more especially personal touch, including the customer favorite photo design. Customer can add colorful backgrounds, any text, and distinctive embellishment by self-designing. Offer is in a limited time, promo code ‘CELEBRATE20’ valid through May 15, 2017. Click the promo code ‘CELEBRATE20’ to save on Amazon Prints cards right now >>> Buy one get one free Amazon Prints promo code ‘MAYBOGO’ on canvas printing >>> Memorial Day 2017 promo code ’50FREE’ for 50 free 4X6 photos by Amazon Prints >>>